Passed Legislation

Passed Legislation

As part of the Student Congress, we regularly pass legislation. This legislation includes the passing of new clubs, approval of the clubs’ budgets, and also recommendations sent to the college’s cabinet. There are five different types of legislation, and you can find all the passed legislation for the 2023-2024 school year under each page.


A bill is any proposed addition or change to the Standing Legislation.


Written recommendation on behalf of the Student Congress to the administration, the Student Congress itself, or the student body as a whole. Also used to express loyalty or sympathy to a person or body outside of the Providence College community.


A resolution is a form of bill that takes effect for one academic year.


An amendment is a change to the Student Congress constitution.

Statement of Position

The positional stance of the Student Congress on issues facing the Providence College community or society as a whole.

Bryan McGinn ’24

Executive President