What do we do?
What do we do?
Student Congress works with school administration to help make Providence College a better place for its students. As a Student Congress, we host weekly general assembly meetings, where we discuss critical issues on campus and provide updates to ongoing projects. We also host a variety of different events, including class dances, fundraisers, speakers, and many others. Student Congress is the primary change making power on Providence College’s campus and we are always looking for input and ideas.
Every semester, Student Congress sends out a review to summarize our efforts and maintain transparency with those we represent. You can find the Fall 2024 Semester Review, from the 75th Student Congress, below:
75th Student Congress Mid-Year Review
January 17, 2025
To the Providence College Community:
As we begin our second semester, the 75th Student Congress would like to provide an update on our work so far this year. We take our role as elected representatives of the student body very seriously, and we believe that transparency and accountability about our work are essential to fostering a spirit of collaboration on and improvement to our campus.
At our general meetings, we have fostered discussions with Chief of Campus Public Safety Chad Carnegie; College Chaplain Father Simon Teller; Simione Tubman and Quincy Bevely accompanied by the Institutional Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Team; Basketball Coaches Kim English and Erin Batth; Athletic Director Steve Napolillo; Director of the Dialogue, Inclusion, and Democracy (D.I.D.) Lab Nick Longo; College President Father Sicard; College CFO John Sweeney; and Interim Provost Sylvia Maxfield, among many other important community stakeholders, to educate ourselves about the issues that Providence College faces and to learn how to create effective institutional change.
Our general assembly meetings are a crucial time to propose legislation surrounding the needs of the Student Body, talk about current issues impacting the campus, and work towards making the experience of Providence College students the best it can be. Click here to view our approved fall semester legislation.
Beyond the work done during these general assembly meetings, our members work hard in their respective committees and classes.
Committee Updates
Within Student Congress, we have seven standing committees. You can find updates from each of these committees below:
1. Academics:
In the fall, Academics hosted our annual Core Crunch event with the Student Success Center to help students learn what to expect on registration day and to teach them about all the available planning tools and resources. This year, the committee created a “Course Registration Guide” pamphlet to accompany the event, which was filled with registration dates, important reminders, and QR codes that are linked to tutorials on resources like CyberFriar and Schedule Planner. To reach more of the student body, we held a tabling event in Slavin Atrium to hand out 200+ of these pamphlets and pushed out a PDF version as well. The committee also held our third-annual Geography Bee in McPhail’s.
Additionally, in collaboration with administration, the committee was able to extend the building hours of Feinstein and Accino on Sundays from 8:00 am – 2:00 pm to 8:00 am – 8:00 pm to increase access to printers, computer labs, and study spaces for students on the weekends. Around Thanksgiving, we promoted our book drive, which ran through the end of the semester. The books will be donated to the Boys and Girls Club of Providence in January.
At the end of the semester, we unanimously passed a piece of legislation that proposed a potential policy for assessments held outside of class time to address student concerns and time conflicts. We also passed another recommendation that proposed the creation of a database for students to access previous syllabi of courses to help students select classes that best fit their interests and learning style to give students a better sense of course expectations.
During finals week, the committee held a Hot Chocolate Study Break event outside of the library in collaboration with the Student Success Center, the Personal Counseling Center, and the Library to give students hot chocolate, uplifting notes, candy canes, study tips/materials from the SSC, and resources from the Personal Counseling Center. Lastly, we also partnered with the Student Life Committee to create a study break table in upper Slavin with a puzzle, stress balls, and motivational quotes.
2. Advocacy:
The Advocacy Committee is proud to celebrate a semester of impactful initiatives and accomplishments. This fall, we resurrected Louder Than Words, an event designed to display the performances, talents, and artistry of diverse students. This was a collaboration with the DID Lab and studio art majors and minors. It featured a combination of student performances, visual art displays, and an overall platform for creative expression.
The life of our committee is its members and their individual projects, which have absolutely flourished this semester. A dedicated group of students is conducting a walk audit of campus grounds, to provide concrete evidence in confronting issues of accessibility. Another student has spearheaded the creation of a survey to better understand how the Advocacy Committee can meet the needs of Providence College students. This survey aims to capture feelings of belonging and inclusion and provides a platform for students to voice their suggestions.
In terms of legislative action, a member of the Advocacy Committee passed a recommendation to make all single-stall bathrooms on campus gender-neutral. This monumental step reflects our commitment to ensuring that all members of our community feel safe and respected.
As we look toward the spring semester, the Advocacy committee will continue building on these efforts by following up on ongoing projects and identifying new areas where our efforts can make a lasting difference.
Clubs and Organizations has been collaborating with the SEAL office to streamline the club approval process, and has approved the Athletic Leadership and Management Society, the Cape Verdean Student Association, Friartown’s Closet, Friars Consulting Group, Providence College Quantitative Finance Club, and PC Sports Analytics.
Under the discretion and guidance of the Legislative Affairs Committee, our congressional body had written and voted on nineteen (19) pieces of legislation with seventeen (17) pieces receiving approval. Please see attached a compilation of the approved legislation for the fall semester. Continually, Legislative Affairs hosted the ethics review and supervised the Class of 2028 elections.
5. Outreach:
The Outreach committee strengthens and maintains relations between the PC Community and the larger, surrounding neighborhood of Providence. Committee members participate in events such as Pumpkinfest, Pictures with Santa, and Spring into Friartown, to name a few.
The committee also focuses on community service, green initiatives, and alumni relations. This semester, Outreach has hosted 5 events, been a part of 2 service initiatives, and passed 3 pieces of legislation. We started the semester with Pink Out Slavin Lawn, a breast cancer awareness event in collaboration with other clubs.
We collaborated with other clubs on campus and The 02908 Club, to host Pumpkinfest featuring Trick or Treat on Eaton Street. Children in the area were invited to campus to participate in Halloween activities and go trick-or-treating on Eaton Street.
Outreach teamed up with Friars for Military for Cards for Veterans. The student body wrote thank you cards to our veterans that were then delivered for Veterans Day.
We also teamed up with the Student Life Committee to write thank you cards for UG2 workers, workers in Raymond dining hall, and other influential people on the Providence College campus.
We also hosted Photos with Santa at the Smith Hill Annex where we had crafts, treats, and children could take a photo with Santa Claus. Several members of the Outreach committee volunteered at Smith Hill’s Turkey Drive just before Thanksgiving.
A member of Outreach planned Christmas caroling at Elmhurst Rehabilitation and Arbor Hill Assisted Living which several Student Congress members attended.
Finally, Outreach passed three pieces of legislation. The first was to add a subcommittee on philanthropy, the second was to pass a subcommittee on service, and the third was to pass a service requirement.
6. Public Affairs:
This fall, Public Affairs organized the Student Congress table at the Fall Involvement Fair, generating new signups, created an Instagram page for the Class of 2028, produced content for all social media platforms resulting in follower growth across all channels and resumed writing general meeting summaries to be published in The Cowl.
7. Student Life:
This semester, Student Life has worked to put on multiple events including; a partnership with the personal counseling center to advertise resources and make DIY stress balls, a tabling event where students could register to vote and get information on how to submit their mail in ballot, a thank you card making event for professors, RAs, Dunkin, Sodexo, and UG2 employees, friars, and other staff which were hand delivered to their respective offices, and a study break spot in upper Slavin during finals week with puzzles, trinkets, and motivational quotes partnered with the academic affairs committee.
Student Life has also collaborated with our Public Affairs committee to better advertise how to get academic accommodations during finals season (partnership with BELIEVE), how to print, and promoting the relaxation room located in the personal counseling center. They have created a list of other infographics to come in the new year.
The committee has worked to find a better way to reserve study spaces in hopes of creating an online mode of doing so. They are working to streamline how to get new markers and chalk for classrooms when needed, and how to get broken desks and chairs fixed in a timely manner. There has continued work to better advertise how to use the Ripta and the friar night shuttle to promote free, easier modes of transportation.
The subcommittee on food has collaborated with Ray to share insights, and the residence life subcommittee has worked to get peepholes installed in all dorm doors in Meagher over winter break. They have also met with public safety multiple times this semester to improve safety on and off campus.
Student Congress also represents the students on many administrative committees that work to improve campus in a vast array of ways. Members sit on the Core Curriculum Committee, Academic Appeals Committee, Academic Integrity Board, Committee on Studies, Honorary Degree Committee, Service Board Committee, and Sustainability Committee. Each of these committees looks to our student representatives for guidance on issues concerning the student experience at Providence College. Our students have also worked directly with the Board of Trustees, President Father Sicard, and Dean Sears, and other influential members of the PC community.
Class Updates
The Student Congress Class of 2025 has been remarkably busy this semester amidst countless Senior year traditions! ‘25 hosted a trip to the Ragged Island Brewery to watch the PC vs URI game, which had a fantastic turn out. The Senior Class has also designed a merchandise store which will be up for purchase at the beginning of the second semester. As the Class of 2025 begins their final semester of college, the class officers have begun planning senior events including 100 Nights to Graduation and Done With College. Instagram: @pccongress2025
Despite having a large group of the junior class overseas, the Student Congress Class of ‘26 has been hard at work. In the beginning of the semester we held our first event, Postcard Pop-up. During this event, students had the opportunity to send their friends who are abroad postcards and received kettle corn. Alongside this, we hosted a St. Pius Cleanup where volunteers had the opportunity to help our neighbors with cleaning and moving school items. Besides our work with class-wide events, the Class of 26 has been able to successfully pass pieces of legislation that will better the entire student body. Instagram: @pc.congress.2026
The Class of 2027 has had an extraordinarily successful semester. On World Smile Day, we hosted Providence Smiles, promoting mental health and positivity. In collaboration with St. Pius and the help of the Providence College community, we were able to raise money to fund Christmas gifts for 30 families around PC. In the Ruane Great Room, we spread Christmas cheer through our Photos with Santa event. And lastly, we finished our merch store for the year and will be releasing it soon! Instagram: @pc.congress.2027
The Class of 2028 has been working hard to get to know each other and the way Student Congress runs. They have been doing an excellent job getting involved with all Congress events and volunteer opportunities. On top of that they are in the middle of setting up their merchandise store, have a bingo night planned for January 30th, and a first-year class dance on April 5th! They are looking forward to producing more events and connecting with the whole class! Instagram: @pc.congress.28
The 75th Executive Board has been hard at work this semester. Overall, the goal of the Executive Board has been to improve communication between Student Congress and other members of our college community, including other clubs and organizations on campus, faculty senate, and
college administrators. College Offices are continuously reaching out to Student Congress for advice and support in college initiatives, plans, and future projects. The Executive Board also helped volunteer at the Class of 2024 Senior Week and Commencement Exercises. We also organized an early move-in for Student Congress members, to assist in Move-In Day for the Class of 2028, involving 37 Student Congress members. In addition to this overarching goal, each member of the Executive Board has worked to focus on the needs of the Providence College student body.
The Executive Secretary has worked on fully transitioning Student Congress to campus groups. This lengthy process has not been easy but is essential in the future of event planning and management. Additionally, the Executive Secretary has worked with the DEI Training Subcommittee Chair and the Ethics Committee to ensure that all members of Student Congress are completing constitutional requirements and attending mandatory class and committee events.
The Executive Treasurer has continued to enhance the allocations process, ensuring that the Student Activity Fee is effectively distributed to support student-led events. Approximately $550,000 was allocated to student organizations, fulfilling 82% of their requested budget needs—an increase from 69% last year. Mid-year allocations will commence on January 15, 2025. Additionally, the Executive Treasurer has collaborated with the Dean of Students and the CFO of the college to increase the amount of money available for allocation to various clubs and organizations on campus, the first increase since 2021. Finally, the Executive Treasurer is collaborating with the Director of Student Activities to revamp the monthly financial report by leveraging integrated tools in Campus Groups to streamline the financial reporting process.
The Executive Vice President has worked to schedule guest speakers for Student Congress general assembly meetings to facilitate direct communication between student leaders and faculty/staff representatives. In addition, the Vice President sits in on other student organization meetings including Board of Multicultural Student Affairs, Board of Programmers and Campus Ministry. The PCSC Mentorship program has been reinstated through one on one bonding activities to build leadership-oriented relationships.
Lastly, the Executive President, who represents the entire student body, gave a welcome address at the Academic Convocation for the Class of 2027. Along with the Senior Class President, she sits on the Honorary Degree Committee, which is dedicated to selecting recipients for the college’s honorary degrees, as well as the Speaker for the Commencement for the Class of 2025. The Executive President also sits on the Board of Trustees Student Affairs Committee, the Homecoming Core, the Academic Convocation Speaker Request Committee and regularly meets with the college president.
The Executive Board hosted an orientation for new Board of Trustees members. They were able to present new members with valuable information regarding the student perspective and experience.
This year we also have increased communication between Student Congress and Faculty Senate through fostering a relationship with the Student Congress liaison that sits on the Faculty Senate. Our liaison has spoken at Congress meetings and regularly informs us of faculty senate discussions that may affect students.
This is the 75th year of Student Congress at Providence College. To celebrate this milestone, we hosted an Anniversary Reunion over Homecoming weekend. Our Executive Board collaborated with Alumni Relations as well as the Providence College Archives to uncover and display the work that PCSC has been doing for almost a century. With over 200 attendees, this event brought alumni and current Student Congress members into conversation and sparked ideas for new projects as well as revisit past initiatives.
One of the main goals our Executive Board has this year is increasing communication between our congress and the student body, to gain a more holistic understanding of what our student body needs to be better representatives. In efforts to increase conversation, we have worked closely with the Board of Programmers, Campus Ministry, Board of Multicultural Student Affairs, and Friars Club. Together, our groups collaborated on a clothing drive at the end of the fall semester to donate to St. Mathewson Church. We have plans to continue to work together in the spring semester.
We want to remind everyone that our general assembly meetings are open to the entire student body. They take place every Tuesday at 5:30pm and we encourage all to attend.
As a Student Congress, we hope to hear and answer the concerns of the student body. We want to hear your voices, and we look forward to working on making Providence College a better place. Please feel free to stop by our office in Slavin LL27C, or feel free to leave a comment in our suggestion box located to the left of our office door.
You can find regular updates from Student Congress on our Instagram: @pc_congress and our website: studentcongress.providence.edu
Thank you all for your support during the fall semester. We hope you all have a great semester, and we are excited for what is to come. Go Friars!
The 75th Student Congress Executive Board
Kayla Fordyce, Executive President
Kaitlyn Hladik, Executive Vice President
Jayson Onanian, Executive Treasurer
Joshua Rykiel, Executive Secretary
Kayla Fordyce ’25
Executive President